I usually write blogs about how the symbols and rules that govern GD&T should be translated because it’s a system based on rules and definitions. What does parallelism mean? What rules govern datums used at maximum material boundaries? What exactly differentiates a regular feature of size from an irregular one? These questions are examples of why GD&T could be considered boring and tiring. Nevertheless, rules and definitions help us learn GD&T and without them, there wouldn’t be a usable system. So, to prevent boredom, let’s review how GD&T can be used in everyday life.
GD&T facts and rules are necessary and invaluable when determining the right approach to a particular part and its features. What GD&T rules will you need to follow to handle a particular part?
Hopefully, we can use a GD&T viewpoint to start with our subject part. After beginning that process, we can rummage through our junk drawer to locate some important details. When getting started in the mechanical parts business, we were taught how to step up to our CAD-CAM system, lathe, drafting board, or surface plate, and whammo! We began turning, extruding, indicating, or drawing our part. Essentially, we learned how to apply what we learned.
Now, let’s again concentrate on how to design, machine, or inspect a part. Of course, it will relate to the GD&T-controlled universe. For this exercise, let’s employ a “no definitions approach” to applying GD&T to a part. Explanation text insert.
Let’s further analyze what a “no definitions approach” to applying GD&T means. Think about an astrophysicist, who needs to learn a lexicon of words and terms. This individual undoubtedly maintains a memory system to use that field’s language and aptly apply it.
An astrophysicist studies scientific phenomenons, mathematics, subjects that explain gravitational relationships of bodies in space, and more. It’s a complex and difficult task to combine all the aforementioned studies into one cohesive and acceptable overview.
GD&T is just as complex as astronomy. An individual tasked with applying GD&T to their field of engineering/manufacturing must grasp a sizable boatload of facts, relationships, math formulas, concepts of size and geometry, and much more. There are several books available on GD&T that can serve as a reference guide and boost your ongoing education.
Becoming a skilled machinist, inspector, or CAD designer is a difficult and time-consuming process. However, when adding GD&T to the equation, the process becomes even more demanding and daunting.
GD&T is an intricate concept that is grueling to fully comprehend. Therefore, if we ever cover something that creates confusion, please submit your question(s) here.